31-公館淨水場、慢濾池 Gongguan Purification Plant and Slow Sand Filter
公館淨水場前身為「慢濾池」,淨水場的運轉由多樣不同功能之水池及機房運作。為確保淨水場的安全及有效防止藻類滋生及餘氯損耗,民國98年將淨水池加蓋,並裝設「太陽光電板」,發電量約92.4KWp,所發之電能供給管理大樓所需,多餘的電力供應場區其他用電,達到節能減碳的目的。 同時在處理自來水的過程中,將產生的水與淤泥分離,水可以再利用,淤泥加工製作成磚塊,是一個完全零排放的環保淨水場。 淨水場內提供團體預約解說服務,使公館淨水場成為國內首座結合水資源及節能教育功能的淨水場。 The "Gongguan Purification Plant," originally the "Slow Sand Filter," has operations featuring many pools and motor rooms with different functions. In order to ensure plant safety, prevent algae propagation, and reduce chlorine loss, in 2009 the purification pool was covered and solar panels were installed atop. The panels can generate approximately 92.4KWp of electricity. Since the electric power generated is enough for the building where the main offices are located and also for other areas of the plant, the plant meets energy-saving and carbon-reduction objectives. Since both the water and the sludge produced during the purification process can be separated and recycled i.e., the sludge can be processed and turned into bricks -- this water-purification plant is a 100% green plant with zero discharge. The plant offers guided tours for groups with advance booking, making it the first to combine water resource and energy-conservation education functions.